UPDATE: Attempt To End Out Sourcing Tax Breaks Was Defeated By the GOP and the Chamber of Commerce 9/28/2010
Back in the 1980's the Reagan administration initiated a number of tax law changes making it advantageous for American employers to move jobs overseas.
We see the results of these policies in the severe shortages of jobs here at home.
Candidate Obama promised to end these tax breaks that made it advantageous for corporations to create jobs in Bangladesh but not Buffalo, NY.
The Creating American Jobs and Ending Offshoring Act - Senate Bill 3816 that is under consideration next week endeavors to do this.
Support it! But we need to go much further.
American companies that sell products in the United States should be required to place their Customer Service Support Centers here in America or face stiff tax penalties.
If this can't be done quickly legally, then it needs to be encouraged through corporate peer pressure.
There is an illusion that it is less expensive to place customer service centers offshore because labor costs and taxes are lower. Language and cultural barriers mean each interaction takes much longer, often with very unsatisfactory results for the consumer.
Bring these jobs back home where they will stimulate the American economy so employees here can buy more of your products and services!
Copyright 1999- , Michele Moore. Free Use Granted when source is cited. Explore HappinessHabit.com and Creating-Happiness.com.
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