It's no surprise that powerful people who are threatened by Occupy activities would use covert means to discredit and disrupt the movement.
Kevin Zeese, a leader of Occupy Washington, DC, describes how it works in this well researched two part article.
The first part documents known cases of instigator infiltration within OWS, the second provides a historical overview of these practices in America.
As a regular participant in Occupy Wall Street NYC efforts, I have watched the movement evolve from its beginning September 17, 2011. I have often been puzzled by what I have seen and experienced, these articles help explain what was really happening.
Occupy activities are distinguished by their diversity. People of all sizes, shapes and ages attend and respectful, nonviolent resistance is the rule.
I watched a hostile scuffle between purported Occupy protesters and NYPD at the corner of Beaver and Broad last fall. I had never seen any of the supposed Occupiers before and was amazed how they were all so similarly dressed and seemed to be of the same age and body size.
They had decided to set out on a march despite NYC-GA pleas to avoid clashes with NYPD. Were they all really occupiers?
Now I understand why the Alternative Banking subgroup I was invited to attend was so adamant about refusing to announce their meetings publicly in accordance with OWS-NYC GA policies. They want to stay beneath the radar.
It explains the vicious criticism I received for trying to add transparency and visibility to The Occupy Bank Working Group's meetings and activities.
I was one of two career bankers they effectively ran off by their ugliness. They continue in a deliberately self defeating way to take space and oxygen away from any real efforts that might have a chance of being successful.
Is it any surprise that big banks would want to stop compelling competition from arising through Occupy?
If you are concerned about the future of our country, before you criticize or even cooperate with Occupy, read these two articles so you know who you may really be dealing with.
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